Heavy Duty Propping for Hire

Heavy duty props and equipment accessories, very versatile and proven temporary propping system which can be used in either single or multiple configurations to meet all our customer specifications.

MegaShores - Section Properties

Cross Sectional Area:  58.45 cm2  E.I. xx:  12560 kNm2
 I xx:  5981 cm4  E.I. yy:  5085 kNm2
 I yy:  4289 cm4  M max xx:  102 kNm
 r xx:  10.14 cm  M max yy:  68 kNm
 r yy:  8.56 cm  Mean Compressive Yield Stress:  470 N/mm2
Self Weight:  0.542 kN/m  Joint bending moment x-x axis  66 kNm
 Z xx:  443 cm2  Joint bending moment y-y axis  52 kNm
 Z yy:  306 cm2

MegaShore Section Specification Chart

Description Weight (kg)
15mm End Plate Section  9
90mm Section 22
 270mm Section 30
 450mm Section 45
 900mm Section 65
 1800mm Section 112
 2700mm Section 159

With an extensive range of ancillary equipment available, including screw jacks, rocking heads used be raking, needle beams, grillage beams and sleepers used as base foundations.
Ideal for:
  • Bridge jacking and propping.
  • Back propping.
  • Excavation struts.
  • Raking props.
  • Heavy slab structural props.

1000 kNs MegaShore Accessories Specification

Description Weight (kg)
 Screw-Jack (410mm - 620mm)  59
 Hydraulic Jack Unit  132
 Jack Plate  26
 Brace Plate  61
 Rocking Head  46
 Fixed Length Flat Brace  4.0 (per metre)
 Adjustment Vernier Brace  5.0 - 12.0
 Place Brace Cleat  15.00


MegaShore Header Beams Specification

Description Weight (kg)
MegaShore Header Beam 950mm 149
MegaShore Header Beam 3300mm 675
  MegaShore Header Beam 3800mm 26
MegaShore Header Beam 5000mm 1320
 Hardwood Sleepers 1000mm to 3600mm -
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